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Folsom, CA | Newborn Photographer | Babies {2013} + {2014}

Sunday, May 11, 2014

"Life doesn't get more real, than having a newborn at home…"
When I met my now husband, I was in pre-nursing classes. Sure that I would one day, become a nurse, I became infatuated with the idea that I would be inserted immediately as a neonatal nurse. Obsessed with newborns from the beginning of time, I could not have pictured myself anywhere else. A few years later, ending up having a change of heart and majoring in PR instead, I still yearn for that career. Maybe one day I will go back to school and work towards that, but for now, I will take this role, photographing them. There is something so sweet with a newborn. I say, you feel so close to God when holding them. I have had the pleasure of holding many the last few months. Their sweet little toes, scrumptious little features, dimples, rolls, to name a few. I feel so lucky to be the one chosen to photograph these moments for my clients. Really, there are days where you look at your baby and realize he or she grew overnight… with newborns, these are moments, it happens that quick! Blessings to all of you little {KBP} Newborns! Hoping I get to squeeze a few more this year! 


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